Recent articles on Jays health and fitness
Knowledge and education concerning health and fitness is vital and important in the world we live in today. There is so much information about this subject online today but also a lot of contradiction and confusion. Confusion about diet and what is the right balance of nutrients or how we should create our workout routines to help our missions.
Its only by learning and putting into practice these things that we can find what works and what doesnt. Or what is right for our own selves as we are all different and need to set up our fitness programs and diets to be adaptable to our training and personal health.
There are two choices to choose from with our blogs:
- Exercise
- Nutrition
These topics will cover a broad spectrum of exercise subjects looking at things like how many sets we should complete to how should we plan our diet nutrients and make our own choices in fitness.
Armed with this understanding here is our fitness blog choices. Enjoy!
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